W&J学生在Van Liere研究会议本科生海报会上获得第一名

创建:2018年4月26日|最后更新:2021年9月15日|类别:   |  Tagged:

华盛顿,宾夕法尼亚州(2018年4月26日)-华盛顿 & 杰佛逊学院&J) senior Nick Baker ’18 brought home a first-place win from the Van Liere Research Conference at the West Virginia University (WVU) Health Science Campus on March 22. 尼克是八个W中的一个&在大学生海报会上展示作品的学生.

尼克展示了他的海报, “Improved cardiac remodeling after in vivo knockdown of type VI collagen following myocardial infarction,详细介绍了他在工作期间所做的研究 东北俄亥俄医科大学2017年暑期实习. 在实习期间,尼克与J. Gary Meszaros博士.D.他在实验室里研究胶原蛋白在心脏病发作恢复中的作用. 尼克在NEOMED的经历是由麦克斯韦实习奖资助的.

“It was rewarding to see my work from the summer come to fruition as I shared my findings and results with those at the conference,” Nick said. “I was deeply honored [to learn about my win] because there were many other participants who had done exceptional research that was presented at the conference. 我很自豪能代表W&J和NEOMED.”

This was the first year that undergraduates from outside of WVU were invited to present at the Van Liere Conference. 其他来自W&19岁的丽贝卡·埃洛(Rebekah Aello)分享了她们在校外实习和课程项目中的工作, 汉娜·戴利,19岁, 克里斯托弗·菲奥莉娜,19岁, 维罗妮卡·科莫罗斯基,19岁, Katherine Muksuris, 18岁, 克劳迪娅·彼得曼,19岁, 还有20岁的Elisa Yazdani.

The W&这支队伍是由坎迪·德贝里博士组织的.D.他是生物学教授,也是校外生物相关实习项目的负责人. As Dr. 德贝里说, the research conference experience allows students to view projects in the same context as science professionals, 看到一个实验的结果如何进一步理解一个特定的科学主题, 而不是一个主要关注学生学习的期末海报会议.

“A scientific conference allows students to see the professional standards for science; the quality and depth of thought required, the focus, 奉献和毅力, 也许最重要的是,科学家们对数据进行严格评估的严谨程度令人难以置信,” Dr. DeBerry说.

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